A Zai Guide to

Proptech Platforms

To help you assess the market, we’ve compiled a list of some of the world’s most influential proptech payments providers. 

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Cover (4) 16 Pages | PDF

What's included?

Today’s consumers increasingly expect innovation. However, in the case of property management, rent collection and payment of fees and utilities is often still done manually with cash, cheques and bank deposits, despite recent advances in payments and mobile technologies.

Digitising the end-to-end tenant-landlord experience makes it easier for all involved as payments become more cost effective and efficient to manage. 


Our guide includes:

  • A comprehensive comparison of global proptech platforms.
  • Detailed analysis of the key features and benefits of each solution.
  • An examination of target sectors, software functionality and pricing.
  • A case study on how Managed App achieved 16x growth in a year.