A Zai Guide To

Technology Trends Shaping the Gig Economy

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cover (18) 20 Pages | PDF

What's included?

Whether viewed as an opportunity for a side-hustle, or a full-time career, there are many reasons why participating in the gig economy is proving increasingly popular among workers. But bigger companies are also starting to leverage the advantages of an on-demand workforce.
This guide examines the pain points that have emerged as the gig economy has expanded, and the technologies that will be instrumental in powering the industry in the years to come.

Our guide includes:

  • An overview of the central role technology occupies in gig economy.
  • An examination of the challenges that both gig workers and companies that employ them face, but also some of the benefits and opportunities of the business model. 
  • A detailed look at emerging technology trends set to relieve some of the pain points faced and drive the future of gig economy.